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The mission of the Ministry is: “To develop and promote a competitive export-led private sector, through accelerated industrial development, facilitation of trade and entrepreneurial advancement and the building of a conducive business environment.”

The vision of the Ministry is: “Strong and Competitive business enterprises, able to sustain flourishing export-led growth in the industrial, agricultural and service sectors”

To formulate, review and support policies, strategies, plans and programs that promote and ensure expansion and diversification of trade, cooperatives…

The goal of the ministry is: “To increase the range and scale of manufactured and traded goods and services and expand markets for Ugandan products.”

Hon. Mwebesa Francis

Minister of Trade Industry and Cooperatives

We welcome you to the joint website for the Ministry of Trade Industry and Cooperatives.

Hon. Gen. Wilson Mbasu Mbadi

Minister of State for Trade

He is responsible for all trade activities including the promotion and diversification strategy for exports in the country.

Hon. Frederick Ngobi Gume

Minister of State for Cooperatives

He is in charge of the Cooperatives  sector and is responsible for the promotion and expansion of the cooperatives Sector.

Hon. Bahati David

Minister of State for Industry

He is responsible for the Industry docket. Key on his agenda is implementation of the industrialization policy.