
Launch the State of Entrepreneurship in Uganda 2024 report

Launch the State of Entrepreneurship in Uganda 2024 report


The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives, has the pleasure to present the
inaugural State of Entrepreneurship in Uganda 2024 report. This groundbreaking study
provides the first comprehensive assessment of the health and vibrancy of our nation’s
micro, small and medium enterprise (MSME) sector.

MSMEs are the lifeblood of Uganda’s economy, accounting for over 90% of private sector
firms and employing millions of citizens. Their vitality directly impacts the livelihoods of
countless families and communities across our country. This report shines a light on the
tremendous entrepreneurial spirit of Ugandans and the resilience of our MSMEs, whilst
also identifying critical gaps and barriers constraining their growth and success.

The National Entrepreneurship Index, developed through this study, reveals that Uganda
has a moderately healthy entrepreneurial ecosystem with an overall score of 57%. Our
entrepreneurs demonstrate highly positive attitudes, a strong willingness to grow their
businesses, and perceptions of adequate human capital. However, the Index also highlights
areas for urgent action and support, particularly in simplifying business registration,
improving access to finance and technology, and strengthening market linkages.

Uganda Entreprenuership Index report_Final

Business registration_Factsheet

Entreprenuership index Policy Brief


MSME profile

Youth-Led Businesses_Factsheet