Trace II Objectives


The main objective of the project is to contribute to the timely realization of the government of Uganda’s (GOU’s) trade policy vision and to assist Uganda better integrate into the global economy through amore efficient and competitive trade sector. The project focuses on addressing economy wide and specific constraints that are identified in the DTIS, which may include:

  • Limited appreciation of the need for trade mainstreaming at all levels of government in Uganda
  • Low, inconsistent and uncompetitive production capacities
  • Low progress in the implementation of the DTIS action matrix
  • Inadequate coordination across GOU institutions of related policies, trade related technical assistance (TRTA) and Aid for Trade(AfT)
  • Lack of a dedicated team and capacity at MTTI for coordination of trade mainstreaming, TRTA & AfT. etc

The specific objectives of TRACE II project are:

  • Provide institutional capacity building support to the National IF Secretariat
  • Support the government of Uganda’s efforts in trade mainstreaming
  • Support the coordination of TRTA to Uganda in particular the delivery of AfT and TRTA coordination and monitoring.